Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Albums of 2010: Romance is Boring

Indie punk pop is a weird little genre. Not quite respected in the Indie genre, a little too sweary for radio play and it tends to bitch too much about punk letting everyone down for the hardcore crowd. Kinda shoots itself in the foot actually. And I guess that ties in with the whole punk pop attitude, so everyone's happy, or not happy, or whatever. Fuck it. Los Campesinos! are pretty chuffed

I know I said I wasn't going to pick favourites but this one takes the trophy for me this year, brilliant get up and dance sounds, blissful sit down and think songs. They made me remember the good times and inspired me to relive them.

This album plays like a soundtrack to a middle class suburban upbringing, the songs full of trauma, overblown drama and small town (I guess this is where the indie comes into play!) house party gimics.

A poke or too at certain modern lifestyles attached to the pretentious post rock the started out on, a rather bleak outlook on love and a complete lack of respect for whatever friendship means any more helps paint a very lifelike picture of a lot of twenty-somethings I know.

I'm a massive fan of every track on this album, once again the title track and the singles released are worth starting out on if these guys are new to you. This is a Flag. There is no Wind. A great single with a somewhat confusing story of a kid faking being deaf because he doesn't care what anyone's saying, you have to listen to it

I'd love to say there's a set story to every song, there isn't. It's kind of hidden in the chorus if anywhere, the rest is full of confessions of acts of passion or childhood memory's. Drinking stories are a staple too. The songs are thrashed out with a sense of urgency, pausing only to give us a catchy chorus.

The eight(?)-piece sound fantastic, even after multiple band member changes, people becoming permanent and leaving every other month over the past year. I wish i could put up every song on this blog... but it would look messy, and take agesss. So buy the cd, or steal it if you like the punk part of it.

Go on then, I'll stick an old favourite in too... just a taster. IN A BEER ADVERT

Long live Los Campesinos!

Monday, 13 December 2010

Albums of 2010: The Drums

Next up, it's another band who I will have the pleasure of seeing live in the next few days. It's probably looking like I'm having quite a good winter of music so far! I promise you, my life isn't always this exciting.

The Drums self titled album comes off the back of last years 'Summertime! E.P'. One of my favourite collection of songs from 2009, with Summertime! being an adequate description of their SoCo sunshine style. They were compared a lot to the Beach Boys when they started making waves, with a similar style of writing. Summer love, heartbreak, old American cars and the fact their most popular song is titled 'Let's go surfing' help give them that old California romantic meets The Cure feel.

They've endured enough of these things this year, one of the members leaving the band halfway through the north american tour only to rejoin a month later. Fucking drama... Let's hope they write a bloody song about it.

But seriously, I love this band, and it's a great album. Simple adorable music. Fingers crossed they stay together long enough to put a few more out there.

They also seems to have a pretty heavy affect on the recently dumped. If there's one thing i've learnt about The Drums, it's never put them on whilst in a car with a couple on the rocks, it doesn't create the best of atmospheres...