Thursday, 11 February 2010

The Hot Hot Thursday Curry Club Presents: Track of the Week

Ok so I feel bad about dissing Valentine’s Day now. It’s taken me a day to realise it probably wasn’t a good reflection on me blogging two negative love songs.

Which is why this hot hot Thursday curry club track of the week is a nice one. One of my favourite modern indie tracks. Beautifully acoustic, it can only be ‘Toothpaste Kisses’ by the Maccabees. It’s a love song, believe it or not, about bettering yourself for someone you love.

You can pick up a free AND great stripped down version of this song off daytrotter, a cute little website recommended a while back but the source of many a poor bastards broken heart. The websites worth placing on your favourites list. Great video as well

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

If music was the food of love, I’d be a fat romantic slob.

A tongue in the cheek view on love and romance from someone with a blogger name containing the word ‘violated’. You can’t write this kind of shit.

So it’s coming up to my weekend off work and I won’t be around to blog at all, and since the inspiration has taken me I thought I’d get it in early. I’ll be heading into London so cockneys lock up anything/one that you don’t want puked on/in. You have been warned.

So let me start off by saying how much of a pessimist I am about the 14th of February, I can’t remember having a great valentines day or even a decent valentine. In the same breath I really don’t hate the event, love or romance. Also this is not a cry for help or an attempt at advice, I am supremely under qualified for that kind of stuff. It’s just a bit of fun and an excuse to blog some music.

I’m here today to give a more realistic view on romance, not the heartbreak and the love stories but real life. Not everyone has that perfect drama thing going on, and some people try to force it. I myself am emotionally retarded after being left in front of too many episodes of Dawson’s creek’ whilst younger.

There is someone for everyone out there, and if your lucky two people. That’s what we call a ‘ménage á trois’. Jokes. You more than likely have to go through a bunch of relationships and deal with a lot of life before you get settled, find someone or learn your lessons before its too late. Or so I’ve been told. List to enough music and you can learn from people mistakes. This song by Frank Turner says it all really; he speaks of girls with the kind of personality’s I meet far too often. They won’t necessarily treat you like they treated Frank but I think most guys can relate.

Frank Turner – Substitute

Enough of the women bashing and on to some real romance, real being the choice word with this one. I love this track, it’s got to be the funniest song of there brilliant first season. The idea is this is how one of the characters thinks settling down with the women he is currently seeing would be like. In a good way.

Flight of the Conchords – Business time (hypem)

This has got FAR too deep for my liking.

Business hours are over

Thursday, 4 February 2010

1901 - a gooood year init

Another quick blog, I seem to have little to no free time at the moment. Not a lot of new music listened to and not a lot of blogs written. I figure that when the mood takes me, it’ll be time.

Just a quick track of the week here, a single that I’ve heard hundreds of times recently. It was only when it was played out loud on a decent sound system before The Drums came on stage last week that I realised what a stick in the head track it is.

Phoenix – 1901

Look forward to a gig review soon, when I manage to remember to charge my camera for photos!

Oh yeah, and my graphic. It’s drawn by a friend of a friend who makes some SWEET t-shirts. Better than you can get in any high street shop. Seriously, they’ve got a new series coming out. Get them whilst they’re hot from